Efficient delivery is critical to the success and growth of an e-commerce business.
Within module 5: Delivery, relevant information, the law concerning buyers and sellers, as well as the possibilities of companies in the market, such as prices, options, and conditions will be presented, which will help future and current online traders to choose their partner, while buyers will enable all information in one place.
In addition, in cooperation with the DHL company that works worldwide, in this module, you will find an import and export manual that will contain an explanation of the process, as well as information about the necessary procedure and documentation.
Delivery with other CEFTA members
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Serbia has the largest population of all CEFTA markets.
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aspects of e-commerce for all CEFTA members.
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* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.